
Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth portrays a haunting image of war, prophecy, and lust for power. Witches and ghosts highlight the spoils of war and betrayal.

McCormick cut the script of Macbeth to reflect character's inner discourse and exploit the haunting presence of the dead. In the Fall of 2007, McCormick directed the show, which was produced through PROJECT:Theatre with help from Mount Holyoke College's Office of Student Programs.

Production Information

The Tragedy of Macbeth opened at Mount Holyoke College in Chapin Auditorium on 9-10 November 2007 with an all-female cast of twenty-one actors. The production also included a special midnight performance on the 9th of November.


Macbeth Production Poster (PDF Format)
      Designed in Adobe InDesign by McCormick.

Macbeth Production Program (Expanded PDF Format)
      Designed in Adobe InDesign by McCormick.

Macbeth and his Lady
Macbeth and his Lady
The Thanes and their King
The Thanes and their King

Your Royal Father's Murdered

Macduff to Fife
The Assassination of Banquo
The Assassination of Banquo
The Banquet Scene
The Banquet Scene
Hecate's Brew
Hecate's Brew
The Macduff Family Slaughter
The Macduff Family Slaughter
The Death of a Child
The Death of a Child
Lady Macduff at her End
Lady Macduff at her End
The Macduff Family Slaughter
The Macduff Family Slaughter
Lennox and Ross at Ends
Lennox and Ross at Ends
Lady Macbeth's Madness
Lady Macbeth's Madness
Lady Macbeth in Torment
Lady Macbeth in Torment
The End
The End

All production photographs taken by V. Roux.
Graphic Designs for the program and poster created by Nicole Koch.